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Waterwide.Au Engineering

The Team

Waterwide.Au has been providing extensive care and a total solution to our customers. We have been built a machine to suit your needs with Australian based customer care.

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Filtration System

Unique but easy to use with total solution filtration system for spring water

Filtration from fresh but raw spring water through Ozone, UV, and 3 stages of micro filtration system to give safe and freshwater to your customers.

Please contact us for more info

100 BPH Filling Machine

One-person automatic operation.
Load and Unload (that's it!)

Built with 3 stages of rinsing and fill.
Motorized Conveyor to self-loading.
Only require one person to operate.

Please contact us for more info



Semi-Auto Brusher

Increase longevity of your bottle life.
Hot steam to Cold wash.

Built with a hydraulic pad for easy de-capping.
Inside and Outside medium firmness brush clean all dirt off the bottle.


Semi-Auto Filler

Optimal 60BPH 

Built with a heater to give an extra rinse after Semi-Auto Brusher follows by a high-pressure rinse to fill your clean water to your customer. 
Waterwide.Au has also added a hydraulic capping system to save your wrist from any work injury.



500 LPH Reverse Osmosis

Your Pure Water

Carbon and Sand Filters

  • Does 500 LPH for Pure Water

  • connect throw-away water to Filling machine or Semi Auto brusher to reduce water waste

  • average of 1TDS filtration (can be adjusted to user)

100 BPH Test Video

Waterland.Au assure the most hygiene and quality filling machine with 1 labour require to operate.

We can assure you with our machine, you will never let your business stop running with

prompt service and high maintenance by providing a customer care team based in Australia Sydne.

0430 986 968

Lisa Rose

Product Manager

Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.


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Lisa Rose

Product Manager

Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.


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Alternation with 100BPH and Semi Auto Filler

This video instructs the way we Waterwide.Au provide high-quality drinking water with multiple

filtrations. Some cases require operating 100BPH and Semi-Auto Filler (optimal 60BPH) alternatively to increase the production line. 

0430 986 968

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